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Business idea - crayfish

Breeding Crayfish - a lucrative business

Crayfish - an idea for a business that requires no capital investment and will bring you profit six months of the year. Crayfish is highly developed in the United States, it brings millions of dollars in revenue, providing employment to thousands of people. Despite the fact that the crayfish - a profitable business, he still is seasonal. Unless of course they do not engage in industrial scale. Lesson is good, and most importantly - environmentally appropriate, in key environmental performance. Cancers are known to be in poor quality water is not live. And the more we will be with you rachnyh reservoirs, the richer we will be with you and healthier. To begin to ring up the cancer business all the restaurants in your city and find potential buyers. If there is no projected demand will be allowed to implement a price list item in the markets, handing him a fish trader. For breeding crabs are allowed to use specialized, farmers, and in addition a small private plots of land and on which there are bodies of water.

There are two types of farms in crayfish - the pond and the plant. Economically most advantageous is the first, because that crayfish - the course is time consuming. Beginners rakovodam advisable to start growing fingerlings, the realization that at constant commodity market can deliver significant profits. When breeding crayfish should always monitor the water quality, control the number of oxygen dissolved in it, and hydrogen. It should be more carefully explore the natural food resources of the water: The existence of the natural forage can reduce the cost of rearing fingerlings and commercial crayfish. Producers of crawfish are placed in ponds. Food is placed on special wooden trays. In artificial ponds on the stage of crayfish eggs is not forbidden to grow for 3-5 years to commercial size, and uzkopalye cancers grow faster.


Chinese entrepreneurs are seriously engaged in the supply and processing crabs (though this is true not only of cancers) and today compete with farmers in the United States. The price of investments in a farm depends on its productive capacity. For starters, who have such resources for crayfish broodstock allowed to buy. Dimension one reservoir should be an average of five to ten meters. The bottom is sand fill, and run along the bank of the usual garden herbs. It is believed that the crabs settle only in flowing waters, it's not completely true. You will only need to close the site was a source of water that satisfies the majority of household plots. After that, what it takes to bring water to the excavated pit and inflict plums. In the pond method of breeding crayfish larvae the first stage out in May - June. They can doraschivat in the same pond or transplanted to another, in which the conditions meet the requirements of hibernation.

Crayfish - yearlings caught and transplanted into feeding ponds where stocking density is less. In the late second or third year crabs reach marketable weight. When etomochen create significant global water exchange and aeration of water. You can create a profitable business for the delivery of cancers in the city and the resale to restaurants, but you can run the crayfish in their ponds. Cancers can be fed pieces of meat, fish and potatoes. After a few months, crawfish begin to multiply, and you get a finished product. The only cancer brings to the year near 30 pieces of offspring. It should be noted that this is a profitable business because you have to practice, will have no competitors. Cancer business successfully in many other countries. Turkey leads here, which is close to an hour were imported crawfish from ponds in Ukraine. And on the foreign market, it annually provides thousands of tons of crayfish.

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