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How to eat crayfish?

On this issue, we responsible consultant Tatyana Evgenievna:
So, take a cancer in the left-hand tail up. By the way, this is not the tail"and the so-called "neck" - the most delicious part of the cancer, which gourmets eaten in the last turn.
Right hand take shell in the place of his attachment to the cervix and separate. Look inside. If you can see inside of something yellow - we are lucky, this is caviar. Tastier it is, perhaps, the only sea urchin caviar. Eat it, and suck all, that only you can suck out of his shell. Carefully separate the claws. Parse them, eating delicious white meat. Small feet as well as possible sucked and chew.

Go to the main - neck. First, vigorously sucked what was under the blanket. It is tasty. So much so that some even close from the enjoyment of her eyes. The cervix is attached to all the rest. This is the gills and the other of which is cancer. Some eat it, some don't. In the whole, everything is edible, but whether it is or not, it is usually only on how much you have crayfish. In any case, separate the body from cancer, trying to ensure that no baby is not lost, and clean the hitin cover. What remains is neatly divide in half. Inside is the thin black stripe of the intestine, which is thrown away. All the rest - with delight.eaten. Well drink the draught of French champagne, but we with friends prefer beer.

photo: boiled crayfish

By the way, about the beer. It really goes well with crayfish, but only in case, if a lot of crayfish. If not, a glass of white wine or champagne is preferable.

Finally one piece of advice. Crawfish shells coarse, and the most tasty have to lick the language. And it happens that in the morning, open, he barely fit in her mouth. Therefore, it is tasty crawfish - observe moderation, and do not eat more than one of them-two dozen in one sitting.

A pleasant appetite!
And here is a small video:

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