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Molto crayfish

Molto crayfish is one-two times per year in adults, and in the young every time when a growth and development. Dates of the onset of moulting different and depend on the locality in which live crayfish. The first molto crayfish, for example, in the waters of the North-west of Russia, comes at the end of may-June. In the lower reaches of the Volga, males and females are shed twice a year. The first molto male and females in this region begins approximately on 15 June and the 30th of the same month it ends. Breeding females start to the first moulting immediately after the larvae become self-reliant and leave her, and complete their moult on July 10. In the flood plain and delta of Volga molto begins with water temperatures of 22-26 DEGREES. The second molt cancers in these places is held from the end of August to 10 September. At low temperatures it is sluggish and can last up to half of October.

photo: molto crayfish

River crayfish active at night. During the day they lay low in various shelters. In the warm time of the year seekers are close to the surface of the water, and in winter they move to such a depth that nora has not closed the ice as the ice captivity leads to their death. With the onset of twilight, the cancer goes out to hunt in search of food. Usually he moves on to the bottom of the pond and very rarely swims. Sometimes in search of food goes to the beach, smelling the smell of fall, which he likes very much. In very rare cases, adult cancer can be found on the land during the day. Crayfish have excellent vision and sense of smell. They distinguish smells at a considerable distance both in water and on land. Seeing some object is red, thrown by the man at the bottom of the river, they flocked to him from all sides, taking him for a piece of meat. Rotten fish river crayfish show with more distant than the fresh, which show the color. When they reached the production, they throw themselves at her, often between a quarrel over the most tasty morsel. Major cancers in such a brawl take a juicy piece of the less nimble and young, while we do not eat.

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